How to Quit Drinking Without AA

Still others feel uncomfortable with the label “alcoholic,” or simply want to cut back—not quit completely as AA requires. Ria Health offers several FDA-approved medications for alcohol use disorder. When combined with counseling, this approach is proven highly effective.

Change your social scene

While Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has been the traditional go-to solution for people struggling with addiction, it is not the only path to Sobriety. Many of the activities that make for a healthy routine are also effective for relapse prevention. Actions that focus on mindfulness will make it easier to work through cravings and moments of temptation. Routines also impart discipline and self-restraint which is a particularly valuable skill recovering addicts will need to relearn.

Jax Taylor Reveals Cocaine Addiction on ‘Hot Mic’ Podcast: ‘I’m Proud to Say I’m 83 Days Sober’ (Exclusive)

getting sober without aa

Additionally, practicing meditation or mindfulness can help individuals manage stress and reduce the likelihood of relapse. Refuge Recovery is a Buddhist-inspired program that emphasizes mindfulness, compassion, and community. SMART Recovery is a science-based program that emphasizes self-empowerment and self-reliance. I continued on my path to getting sober without AA by attending a Master’s degree program in Spiritual Psychology. Their knowledge, insight, & compassion has been invaluable to me. Numerous other support groups, including SMART Recovery groups, LifeRing groups and SOS Alcoholism Program.

Many people who recognize that they have a drinking problem aren’t aware that there are alternatives to Alcoholics Anonymous. This article, for example, outlines the CORE process, which stands for Commit, Objectify, Respond, Enjoy. By employing these simple techniques, you can beat the bottle quietly — and for free — in the dignity of your own home. Another draw of AA for many is that it can put the meaning back in life, helping you find a power greater than yourself, and getting you involved in service with others in your community who need help. Whether or not you are interested in a spiritual program, finding something to live for (other than booze) can motivate your recovery. Whether this is some sort of spiritual program, giving back to your community, getting involved in recovery activism, is all up to you.

Jax Taylor

getting sober without aa

It felt like the longer I went without drinking, the more I wanted to drink. This would always lead me back to alcohol, whether I was sober for a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months. My name is Katie Lain, and I’ve been alcohol-free since the middle of 2018. I started a unique, neuroscience-based treatment approach in 2017 that transformed my relationship with alcohol without the need for traditional programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Relapse is very common during recovery, and it does not mean that you failed. If you experience relapse, the most important thing to do is pick back up with treatment and keep developing coping strategies to prevent the chances of relapse happening again.

  • Technology and apps like Reframe provide personalized programs based on CBT principles, urge-surfing tools, and access to professional coaches and supportive communities.
  • The material on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a qualified health care provider.
  • Whether this is some sort of spiritual program, giving back to your community, getting involved in recovery activism, is all up to you.
  • Secular Organizations for Sobriety is not one specific program but rather a collection of programs that are autonomous from each other.
  • There are many paths to changing your relationship with alcohol, and it may take some experimentation to figure out what treatment—or combination of treatments—is most effective for your unique needs.

So, if you’re looking for an alternative to AA, consider exploring sober living programs. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in mental health, which sometimes includes substance use disorders. Because they are able to prescribe medication, psychiatrists can be particularly helpful if you believe you have underlying anxiety or depression you are managing with alcohol. There are endless options to try for support and guidance if you’d struggling with alcohol. Club Soda created the Mindful Drinking Movement, which takes the concept of mindfulness, which people have applied liberally to food and mental drug addiction treatment health, and applies it to alcohol.

I learned how to create a self-nurturing practiceAs I learned to love myself, I formed a daily practice that would support myself and my recovery process.5. I learned how to change my thinkingI quickly new that my negative self-talk and judgments had to change so that I could sustain my recovery. Recovery isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation and even though there are a lot of people around the world who swear by Alcoholics Anonymous, that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone.

Is AA the only solution for addiction?

  • Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in mental health, which sometimes includes substance use disorders.
  • I began to find joy in simple things again, like going for walks, watching movies, and indulging in sweets.
  • Making healthy lifestyle changes can be an effective way to maintain Sobriety.
  • You don’t have to do recovery the way other people are doing it, but you do need to create your own support system.

The article provides tips on dealing with relapses in the journey towards sobriety, including recognizing potential triggers and developing strategies to manage them. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining an optimistic outlook, reaching out to support networks, prioritizing self-care, and continually refining strategies based on previous experiences. Lastly but importantly for staying sober without AA are self-help approaches like regular workouts and journaling that could assist maintain focus amidst emotionally challenging periods of rehab stages. Recovery from alcohol or drug addiction is a personal journey, and no two people’s paths will look similar. For many years, the accepted options were to send folks to 30-day inpatient treatment or told them to go to AA. But there are other options, and as a society, we’re beginning to accept that those other options work.

  • WFS puts particular emphasis on positive reinforcement, cognitive strategies, self-care, and group support.
  • This curiosity isn’t driven by fear or the need to “fix” anything.
  • I arrived seeking peace from emotional trauma, gaining personal spiritual insight, redirection in feeling chronic pain, and tools for developing emotional connection with my wife and children.
  • Essentially, I wanted to drink but kept telling myself I shouldn’t.

Find an Alcohol Recovery Program Near You

For more information about Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) see, the full Prescribing Information, and Medication Guide, or talk to your healthcare provider. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of drugs to the FDA. Kali Lux is a consumer marketing leader with a focus on healthcare and wellness. She has over a decade of experience in building and operating metrics-driven brand, demand generation, and customer experience teams.

Women for Sobriety (WFS) is a program that is specifically engineered to focus on women’s treatment needs and what will best support their recovery. The groups are led by moderators and serve to promote emotional and spiritual growth free from the bounds of alcohol abuse and addiction. Thrive helps you take control of alcohol through naltrexone and the Sinclair Method, combining neuroscience and behavior change to transform your drinking habits for good. The timeline for quitting or reducing drinking varies widely from person to person. Some may see changes within a few weeks, while others might take several months. If you’re struggling with alcohol and traditional methods haven’t resonated, I want you to know there are alternatives.

  • Start a group in your area or on a social networking site like Facebook, and watch it grow.
  • Though AA may be the most well-known solution for alcohol abuse, it is far from the only one.
  • Distance yourself from people who threaten the success of your sobriety.
  • Efforts are made to accept thoughts and actions as self-destructive, learn how to cope with the emotions and behaviors that are created through alcohol addiction, and then overcome them.
  • Sharing progress with supportive circles instills confidence, while receiving feedback contributes positively to ongoing efforts.

An open AA meeting is a meeting run by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) that welcomes anyone interested in AA, not just those dealing with alcohol issues themselves. I started asking myself deeper questions, like, ‚What need is alcohol meeting for me? ‚ This self-reflection helped me gradually break my unhealthy habits around drinking.

Alcoholic Hepatitis: Spot The Signs, Reclaim Your Health

Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through! You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with our licensed Reframe coaches for more personalized guidance.

Is My Husband an Alcoholic? Signs of A Functioning Alcoholic

Individual therapy, combined with marriage or family counseling, can strengthen your self-esteem and help you build a healthy, sober relationship. In addition to functional alcoholism, there is also familial alcoholism and chronic/severe alcoholism. If you say, “I’m leaving if you don’t get treatment,” then be prepared to follow through. If he is open to treatment, the two of you can discuss different addiction treatment types and their benefits.

To recognize that even though you’re broken, you’re so much stronger than anyone else could ever know. Strong enough to keep going when he lets you down, to pick up the slack when he drops the ball. You stay up all night with your stomach in knots, then work through the next day like a champion to keep things as normal as possible for your family. No one can fully appreciate how much you shoulder, because ironically, you spend so much time making it look like things are easy. But I know you’re exhausted on a level that someone who’s simply “tired” could never comprehend. Then he comes home when the sun comes up, after you’ve called him repeatedly with no answer, a few hours before work starts, and you know you’re right.

functional alcoholic husband

Seek supportive communities

You may also fear that your children are at higher risk of alcoholism later in life if they are exposed to the example being set by the high-functioning alcoholic parent. That stress inevitably bleeds into relationships, which can cause cracks and fissures that will rupture if not addressed in a healthy way. Fights over the alcohol abuse may ensue; if the alcoholic loses control when they are drunk, there is an increased risk of domestic violence. He has a solid career, loves you and the kids and is the life of the party in social situations.

Sustained Recovery

functional alcoholic husband

After a preliminary evaluation, your spouse will undergo an in-home alcohol detox, transitioning into a customized rehabilitation plan to ensure long-term success. Taking this approach even when confronting or facing them with the harm their alcoholism is doing to you and your loved ones is one that can yield the greatest chance of success. Regardless of how high-functioning someone is under the influence of alcohol, it will eventually result in a breakdown in their professional lives and usually when it comes to the law. It’s important to note any problems they are having at work if there are reductions in pay or disciplinary measures. Being pulled over while intoxicated by a police officer should be a major red flag.

Treatment Can Be Life Changing. Reach out today.

It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers. You may begin to feel isolated and alone, and that can be detrimental to your overall health. That is a signal that you, and your husband, need the hope that alcohol rehabilitation treatment can bring.

Your partner may find it difficult to recover from alcoholism if your health and happiness is also struggling. There are medications approved in the United States to help people quit or reduce their heavy drinking and prevent relapse. A health professional prescribes them and may be used alone or in combination with other treatments. According to the National Institute for Drug Abuse, behavioral therapy is the most commonly used form of treatment. Family therapy is one of these services that can benefit you and your partner. Behavioral treatments aim to change drinking behavior through counseling.

Finding Help For Alcoholism And Functioning Alcoholics

However, even high-functioning alcoholics can’t keep drinking problems a secret forever. Key warning signs that people are alcoholics include always ordering alcohol when they go out or struggling to control how much they drink. Boyfriends, girlfriends or partners of functional alcoholics may also experience emotional or relationship problems. The difference is that they’ve developed strategies to hide or rationalize the extent of their drinking. In many cases, they may not even fully recognize the severity of the issue themselves because their outward success seems to contradict the stereotype of alcoholism.

  • This could help them see how far-reaching their heavy drinking has become.
  • For women, the number is three drinks on any day or more than seven drinks within a week.
  • In addition to functional alcoholism, there is also familial alcoholism and chronic/severe alcoholism.
  • It may be a source of enlightenment to him just how far-reaching his alcohol abuse has become.

They tend to be competent in most aspects of their lives, having a job, being successful, and taking care of their family despite their substance abuse. It can be difficult for anyone, even for the person married to them, to recognize there is alcohol addiction. Having a partner struggle with Alcoholics Anonymous substance abuse doesn’t just impact their life, but yours as well. Maybe your husband’s managing to hold down a job, but seems to be constantly drinking or always smells of alcohol.

Secrecy & Drinking Alone

  • However, despite their appearances, functioning alcoholics often need a drink to get through the day.
  • The outward stability only postpones the point at which the person recognizes their need for professional intervention.
  • Functional or high-functioning alcoholics do not always meet the stereotypical image of alcohol addiction and are not always easy to spot.
  • Aftercare and alcohol relapse prevention can help increase the opportunity for continued sobriety and abstinence.
  • A substance abuse counselor, family therapist or spiritual advisor may also attend to provide an objective presence and keep the agenda on track.

If you see the warning signs of alcoholism, and if communication hasn’t broken down entirely, you may want to take an honest, compassionate and direct approach with your spouse. When he is sober, tell him that you are concerned about his drinking and the impact it is having on your family, and encourage him to seek treatment at a qualified rehab facility. It may be a source of enlightenment to him just how far-reaching his alcohol abuse has become. However, if your husband is in denial about the extent of his drinking, then he may not be ready or willing to consider seeking treatment. Our compassionate team of admission counselors is available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have before committing to one of our drug addiction treatment programs.

When trying to help a functioning alcoholic, it is essential to approach them with compassion and patience. Addiction treatment can be a long and challenging road with many ups and downs. They may also withdraw from social situations and find excuses to miss events or optional commitments where drinking is not available or possible. There may also be new legal issues arising for them, like driving under the influence or making other poor decisions. As their reliance on alcohol increases, you may begin to notice that your loved one downplays the role alcohol has in their lives and makes excuses for their actions, especially their drinking.

For instance, the alcoholic may be denied visitation rights or may be faced with a marital separation if he decides not to seek help. An alcoholic in denial may become extremely manipulative, tearful, angry or hostile when faced with the need for alcohol treatment. An experienced intervention specialist can help the participants prepare for these reactions so they can respond effectively. If someone feels they need to hide the fact that they are drinking or the extent of their consumption, especially from their loved ones, it’s an issue — even if they seem to be functioning in life. In addition to in-person support, numerous online forums and social media groups exist where spouses of alcoholics share stories and resources. While these communities do not replace professional help, they can provide immediate emotional support and valuable insights into coping strategies.

How to Know If You’re Married to a Functional Alcoholic

Some individuals may need additional help breaking their addiction to alcohol. No matter what stage of alcoholism someone is currently experiencing, there is hope to get through their alcohol addiction. Medically-supervised detox followed by an inpatient treatment program can increase the likelihood of successful recovery and help people regain control.

Individuals in this stage may not be familiar with different types of alcohol, so they are more likely to test their limits. This stage of alcoholism is often defined by the goal of “drinking to get drunk.” People who use alcohol often use it to self-medicate and escape negative thoughts and feelings. Usually, people in the first stage of alcoholism are not drinking every day, and they are still able to perform daily activities. Although drinking may not consume their thoughts, they may need to drink more to reach the desired level of intoxication. During this stage, someone may believe they are still functioning because they have a job and they are successfully maintaining relationships.

Explore Rehab and Treatment Options

They tend to make more frequent alcohol-related jokes or try to disarm others’ observations regarding their increased drinking with humor. ” self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with an alcohol use disorder (AUD). The evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of an AUD. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result. Members often meet in these support groups to discuss ideas and concerns linked to their alcohol and drug addiction. BetterHelp can connect you to an addiction and mental health counselor.

functional alcoholic husband

Alcohol addiction affects much more than just that one person, it affects everyone around them. But that stress from alcohol abuse will eventually rupture and break into the relationship. Living with an alcoholic can cause rifts in even the strongest marriages.

Paying for Treatment

Cohabiting with a functionally intoxicated partner can be mentally taxing and difficult. A spouse may feel a variety of sentiments, such as anxiety, rage, and remorse, in addition to rejection and guilt. Everyone in the family may experience mental suffering, financial difficulties, and strained relationships as a result of the functional alcoholic’s actions. Couples must seek help, whether from peer groups, counseling, or trusting in dependable family or close friends. Sometimes husbands and wives of high-functioning alcoholics are the only ones who know their spouse has alcohol problems. People addicted to alcohol may be able to function at work or in social drinking situation, but they’re unable to hide the disease from the person closest to them.

This can happen in an inpatient setting when the patient lives in a medical treatment center. Alternatively, it may be in an outpatient treatment program where the patient can detox while living at home. The Editorial Team is a group of experienced relationship writers, experts, and mental health professionals. Our content is thoroughly reviewed by experts to ensure that we offer high-quality and reliable relationship advice. If you find yourself a functional alcoholic with a codependent wife, there are rehab programs that include couples counseling. Learn ways to heal all aspects of the alcohol use disorder, including marriage.


When they examine themselves in the mirror, they may not recognize themselves. Common outward changes may include flushed skin and a distended stomach or “beer belly.” They may not be aware, but alcohol is affecting their bodies internally as well. Possible physical side effects include increased blood pressure and liver damage. In the morning, their hands may shake and they may experience frequent heartburn. During this stage, individuals are drinking every day, usually to avoid uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

functional alcoholic husband

Suboxone Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline & Detox Treatment

A family member is more likely to be emotionally attached and affected therefore turning the conversation down the wrong path without a professional present. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has 6 dimensions to help identify severity ratings. It may be difficult to self-diagnose your loved one because of bias and an emotional attachment. alcoholism treatment Although an appropriate assessment would require the alcohol user to answer the questions, a family can read through them and see all that apply. Besides the convenience, in-home detox programs are the most discreet and private of all the options. When speaking to your spouse about treatment, this privacy component could be a major selling point that could mean the difference between them saying yes or knowing.

  • Today, healthcare professionals would say that a person has an alcohol use disorder (AUD).
  • Health complications from a rough detox may require medical intervention, which this sort of treatment would be able to provide.

State Rehab Guides

Please encourage them to seek alcohol abuse help from a qualified treatment center. This could help them see how far-reaching their heavy drinking has become. However, they may not be ready or willing to get addiction treatment. You can also plan an intervention to let them know the consequences if they continue to drink and do not seek treatment. Alcoholism can take a devastating toll on a person’s physical health, emotional well-being, personal relationships and professional life.

  • Many people who struggle with alcoholism are reluctant to accept treatment on their own.
  • The impact of an AUD isn’t always limited to the one suffering from this chronic medical condition.
  • For many, it pictures someone who constantly drinks, experiences daily hangovers, and often can’t recall what happened the night before.
  • In relationships with people dependent on alcohol, codependency often develops when one of the spouses becomes the caretaker of the partner struggling with alcoholism or substance abuse.

Binge Drinking & Drinking More Than Once Per Week Should Not Be Considered Normal Drinking Habits

If you are unsure about staying together, practice trial separation before deciding to dissolve your marriage due to their drinking. When you’re living with a high-functioning alcoholic, your own health is at stake as well as the welfare of your loved one. By getting help for your loved one, you may be able to avoid further consequences of alcoholism and build a healthier future for your family. Functional alcoholics are often intelligent, hardworking and well-educated. Their professional status or personal success can make it hard to approach them about having a “problem” with alcohol.

functional alcoholic husband

Alcohol use disorders, binge drinking, problematic drinking, and alcoholism can be devastating to families and relationships if allowed to continue. Ultimately, no matter who is in your life with a drinking problem, their struggles with alcohol can be exacerbated if they do not receive timely intervention. It might be challenging to talk to a functioning alcoholic regarding their drinking, mainly if they may be hiding their issue. Expressing your worries indirectly is critical, concentrating on particular actions and their consequences rather than categorizing someone as an alcoholic. Although the phrase “functional alcoholic person” may sound paradoxical, it describes a reality that many people, along with their loved ones, must deal with. In this article, we will thoroughly define the challenges faced by the person and their loved ones.

  • Other support groups, such as Al-Anon, are available for friends and family members who need help dealing with an alcoholic’s issues.
  • The alcoholic is more likely to see that nonfamily members are affected, too, as a result of the alcohol abuse.
  • Recovery is not a straightforward journey; setbacks and relapses may happen along the way.
  • During this stage, individuals are drinking every day, usually to avoid uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.
  • The term “currently-functioning“ may be used since it’s not likely they will remain functional (and not misuse alcohol) indefinitely.
  • You cannot force your spouse to go to substance abuse treatment, but you can change your actions that may be enabling them.

But if people could see what he is like in the privacy of your home, they may form a different opinion. He comes home from work each night and gets a beer or a glass of whiskey before doing anything else. Even worse, when your husband isn’t drinking, your home life is filled with emotional unpredictability—you don’t know what moods he will be cycling through so you often feel on edge. If this sounds like the scenario in your marriage, your spouse may be struggling with an alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol can contribute to long-term stress, as it often inhibits the proper sleep cycle and can exacerbate issues such as depression or anxiety.

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